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随着农业的发展,保护地黄瓜面积不断扩大,由于保护地高湿,通风透光差,病害也成了生产上的严重问题,保护地黄瓜主要病害有霜霉病、枯萎病、疫病、角斑病、白粉病、病毒病、炭疽病。农业防治技术应掌握以下6个要点: 1.轮作 因为枯萎病、疫病、黑星病的初侵染源主要来自土壤,连作病情会逐年加重,要减轻这些病害最好与非葫芦科作物轮作,但多数保护地从规模效益考 With the development of agriculture, the area of ​​protected cucumbers has been expanding. Due to the high humidity in the protected areas, poor ventilation and light, diseases have also become serious problems in production. The main diseases of cucumber in protected areas are downy mildew, blight, blight, Spot disease, Powdery mildew, Virus disease, Anthrax. Agricultural prevention and control technology should have the following six points: 1. Rotation because of blight, blight, scab The primary source of infestation mainly from soil, continuous cropping conditions will increase year by year, to alleviate these diseases is best and non-cucurbit crop rotation, However, most of the protection from the scale of the test
一、品种选择 狗塔埠莴苣是棚栽莴苣优良品种,茎肉质嫩脆,纤维少,味道鲜,抗寒性强,抽薹率低。 二、适用播种 莴苣最适宜冷凉气候,生长的最适温度范围11~18℃,早春棚栽莴苣可
蓝炳良对抓贼有着非同一般的热爱,20年来他置危险于不顾,抓贼无数 ,多次获得广西柳州市人民政府颁发的“龙城勇士”等数十种荣誉。他因为抓贼而与一位小他31岁的落难打工妹,
王强是邯郸一位很普通的乡下孩子,因为没考上高中而来到城里做起了厨师学徒,和所有的年轻人一样,在工余时间也常去网吧里玩玩游戏。一次,他们正在一家网吧里上网,忽 Wang Qi
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