The ифА method was used to determine the concentration of blood CA-125 antigen in some of the most common gynecological patients, with the purpose of formulating the diagnosis basis and monitoring the curative effect. With the Soviet Union “CA-125” (?) Test box, take the monoclonal antibody coated polyethylene plate with the corresponding antigen incubated sera were incubated with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated antibody solution, the incubation process In the resulting plate - antibody + antigen + peroxidase - antibody complex. After washing, stop the reaction. Display color immediately with an enzyme-labeled photometer to measure the optical density. The subjects were hospitalized with surgery indications of 108 women, the age distribution of patients: 18 to 19 years in 2 cases, 21 to 30 years in 42 cases, 31 to 40 years in 39 cases, 41 to 50 years in 14 cases and 50 years of age 11 cases. Combined