鼻咽癌的病因学、流行病学、临床特征以及治疗策略与其他头颈部肿瘤具有明显差别。鼻咽癌早期患者采用单纯根治性放疗可取得令人满意的疗效,局部晚期则多选择以放化疗为主的综合治疗,但部分化疗药物不良反应较大,使患者耐受性及依从性差。分子靶向药物具有低毒性及高度特异性的特点,有望成为局部晚期鼻咽癌治疗的新选择。“,”The etiology,epidemiology,clinical features and treatment strategies of nasopharyngeal carci-noma are significantly different from other head and neck carcinomas .Early stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with radiotherapy alone can yield satisfactory survival outcomes , while radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy are recommended in the treatment of locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma .Toxicity of chemotherapy drugs is so serious that the patient′s tolerance and compliance is poor .Molecular targeted drugs with low toxicity and high specificity are expected to become a new choice for the treatment of locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma.