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步入互联网时代,品牌的传播策略也要转变。与80、90、00后消费者沟通,必须按照他们的媒介接触习惯选择传播渠道,尤其是学会运用微信、微博这样的社交媒体,用接地气的话语方式与他们沟通。1994年建成的东方明珠,或许是不少90后的童年记忆。浦东人看着它造起,上海人以它为荣,世界各地的游客来沪,也必然会在此拍照留念。二十来岁的年纪,正是桃李年华,然而在很长一段时间里,东方明珠塔给大家留下了固有印象:一个单一的旅游景点,外地人来上海旅游的地方, Into the Internet age, brand communication strategy also changed. To communicate with consumers after 80,90,00, we must choose the channels of communication according to their media contact habits. In particular, we should learn to use social media such as WeChat and Weibo to communicate with them in a lively manner. The Pearl of the Orient, built in 1994, may be a lot of childhood memories after 90 years. Pudong people look at it created, Shanghai proud of it, tourists from all over the world to Shanghai, will inevitably take pictures here. However, for a long time, the Oriental Pearl Tower left an inherent impression on everyone: a single tourist attraction, where foreigners come to Shanghai to travel,