中央农业广播电视学校山东莒南县分校邱民亭和山东莒南县计划生育委员会刘茂芳来文论述了农村的计划生育工作为什么这样难的七方面原因: 一、文化水平低。农村人口的文化水平大大地低于城镇人口,尤其是农村中的育龄妇女,文盲率高得惊人。有人在部分山村作过调查,20—40岁的妇女至少有80%的文盲。受文
Qiu Minting of the Central Agricultural Broadcasting and Television School in Junan County, Shandong Province and Liu Maofang of the Family Planning Commission of Junan County in Shandong Province discussed the following seven reasons why family planning in rural areas is so difficult: First, the level of education is low. The literacy rate of the rural population is significantly lower than that of the urban population, especially the women of childbearing potential in rural areas. The illiteracy rate is alarmingly high. Someone has conducted surveys in some villages and at least 80% of women aged 20-40 are illiterate. By text