现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的低成本和高度灵活性,使其在嵌入式系统中占据了重要的地位。FPGA的工作温升与运行程序有很强的依赖关系。主要研究了时钟频率和资源利用率两个方面对FPGA工作温升的影响,分别利用红外热像仪和K型热电偶测量了FPGA在真空和大气中的工作温升。采用锁相环(PLL)进行倍频产生8组输出频率进行时钟测量。资源利用率主要通过控制逻辑单元的数目来实现。最后采用阿尔特拉(Altera)公司的Power Play EPE软件对FPGA在不同情况下的功耗进行了估算。通过对实验结果的分析和比较,发现随着时钟频率增加,FPGA表面温度不断增大;随着资源利用率(逻辑单元数目)的增加,温度也随之增长。通过EPE软件估算出功耗与时钟频率、逻辑单元的数目均成正比例关系。
The low cost and flexibility of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) make them an important part of embedded systems. FPGA working temperature and operating procedures have a strong dependency. The effects of clock frequency and resource utilization on the temperature rise of FPGA are mainly studied. The working temperature rise of FPGA in vacuum and atmosphere is measured by using infrared thermograph and K-type thermocouple respectively. Phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency multiplication to produce 8 sets of output frequency for clock measurement. Resource utilization is mainly achieved by controlling the number of logical units. At last, the power consumption of FPGA in different situations was estimated by Altera’s Power Play EPE software. Through the analysis and comparison of experimental results, it is found that with the increase of clock frequency, the surface temperature of the FPGA increases continuously. As the resource utilization (the number of logic cells) increases, the temperature also increases. By EPE software estimates the power consumption and clock frequency, the number of logic cells are directly proportional relationship.