Over the past 10 years, Caesarean section around a few without a substantial increase. Cesarean section rates are also on the rise in the United States. For example, in 1970 it was 5.2% and in 1976 it rose to 11.6%. New York City hospitals rose from 6.09 in 1965 to 14.64% in 1975 and so on. There are three main indications for this increase: no pots, fetal distress and breech. Caesarean section has obvious benefits to the fetus in these circumstances. However, we must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this technique. The number of caesarean sections has increased in the past few years because of FPD. Data show that from 1937 to 1949 due to FPD as a c-section was 1.75%, while from 1972 to 1975 was 3.97%. There were also reports of a 49% first caesarean section for FPD from 1962 to 1975. The concept of FPD in the eyes of the obstetrician will have changed. In some units "production