Mao Zedong liked reading all his life. His obsession with the Tang Dynasty writer Han Yu (768-824) started as a young man. From 1913 to 1918, Mao Zedong studied at Hunan First Normal School. The Chinese teacher Yuanzhong Qian was a former exuberant man with a large number of mustaches and very strict requirements on students. Since then, students must learn to write ancient prose in Tongcheng. That is when Mao Zedong Han Yu started studying the article. When Mao Zedong met with American reporter Snow in Security (now Zhidan County, Yan’an County) in 1936, he was still deeply touched by his reading experience: there was a Chinese teacher in the school, and the students gave him a nickname “Yuan beard” . He laughed at my article saying it was news