
来源 :中国社会组织 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fgh45
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近年来,社会组织在促进长沙经济发展、繁荣社会事业、协同社会治理、扩大对外交往等方面发挥了越来越重要的作用,成为社会建设的重要力量。本文通过实地调研,了解掌握长沙社会组织发展现状,深入分析了其发展面临的政策、管理等瓶颈,从登记制度改革、政策助力、形象提质、监管规范、党建引领五个方面提出了对策建议,以期为长沙市社会组织健康有序发展提供参考借鉴。 In recent years, social organizations have played an increasingly important role in promoting Changsha’s economic development, prospering social undertakings, collaborating with social governance and expanding foreign exchanges, and have become an important force in social construction. Based on the field investigation, this article understands the present situation of the development of social organizations in Changsha, analyzes the bottlenecks in policy and management faced by the development, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions from five aspects: the registration system reform, policy support, image quality improvement, regulatory norms, , In order to provide a reference for the healthy and orderly development of social organizations in Changsha City.
得分能力  虽然贝勒斯的身高只有1.91米,但却是一名身体素质出众的后卫,原地直接弹跳能够达到79公分,助跑弹跳则接近1米,底线折返跑的速度达到11.26秒。而且贝勒斯的身体协调性好到让人难以置信,速度动作快且流畅,第一步的启动速度十分惊人。除了身体上的优势,更为难得的是他的技术。无论作为一名组织后卫还是当成得分后卫来使用,他都能够拿出相应的技术动作,最值得称道的便是他的投篮能力,动作娴熟标准,还