Based on the Paris formula, the theory of fatigue crack growth of ultra-high toughness cementitious matrix composites (UHTCC) with strain hardening and multi-split cracking has been theoretically studied and verified by experiments. Research shows that Paris formula is suitable for UHTCC. Wherein, the crack propagation parameter is represented by the crack area extension A; correspondingly, the composite fracture energy increment ΔJ is used instead of the change of the stress intensity factor ΔK. Based on the test, the fatigue crack expansion threshold of UHTCC is obtained. That is, the fatigue crack does not expand when the amplitude of fracture energy ΔJ in fatigue is less than a certain threshold ΔJth. During the fatigue process, the crack coverage area of UHTCC shows a three-stage linear development with the fatigue process, which is consistent with the development trend of fatigue deformation. The fatigue crack propagation in UHTCC accelerates with the increase of fatigue maximum load and load amplitude.