病例介绍:女患,6岁。因全身皮肤出现红色斑丘疹,搔痒1天就诊。体检:T37℃,R 18次/分,P86次/分,BP90/60mmHg,一般情况好。全身皮肤散在黄豆大至指头大之红色斑丘疹,可见搔抓痕。心肺及腹部无特异发现。拟诊为荨麻疹。肌注异丙嗪12.5m g(广州第五制药厂,批号750608),刚注射完毕,病儿即呼吸困难,面色苍灰,口唇发绀,继而呕吐一次,为胃内容物,约50ml。双眼半闭合,眼球上翻,瘫软于母亲怀抱中。脉搏细速,R28次/分,较深大。血压测不出,皮肤出
Case description: female, 6 years old. Red rash due to systemic skin rash, itching 1 day treatment. Physical examination: T37 ℃, R 18 times / min, P86 times / min, BP90 / 60mmHg, generally good. Whole body skin scattered in soy big finger red maculopasia, scratching marks can be seen. Cardiopulmonary and abdominal non-specific findings. To be diagnosed as urticaria. Intramuscular injection of promethazine 12.5m g (Guangzhou Fifth Pharmaceutical Factory, batch number 750608), just injection is completed, the sick child that is breathing difficulties, pale gray, lips cyanosis, and vomiting once, for the stomach contents, about 50ml. Half-closed eyes, the eye turned up, paralyzed in the mother’s arms. Fine pulse rate, R28 times / min, deeper. Blood pressure can not be measured, the skin out