中国网民喜欢网址导航网站,这与国外网民更习惯搜索引擎具有显著的差异。在国外,网民大多使用搜索引擎作为他们的导航方式,如 Yahoo 和 Google。但国内很多用户偏偏热衷这种看似技术含量并不高的网站,如网址之家(hao123.com)和上网导航256.com。因此可以说网址导航类网站的成功也是中国互联网发展中的特色之一。
Chinese Internet users like website navigation site, which is more accustomed to foreign Internet users search engine has significant differences. Abroad, Internet users mostly use search engines as their navigation methods, such as Yahoo and Google. However, many domestic users tend to keen on this seemingly technical content is not high sites, such as home network (hao123.com) and online navigation 256.com. Therefore, it can be said that the success of website navigation website is one of the characteristics in the development of China’s Internet.