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随着都市炒田螺热的兴起,一向不起眼的田螺,突然身份倍增。俗话说:“三月田螺四月鳝”。农历三月,春暖花开,万物复苏,冬季潜伏在泥中休眠的田螺,纷纷爬出泥土,此时采食田螺,可谓一大乐事。 田螺是我国长江流域城乡人民普遍喜食的螺类,其分布很广,在江河湖泊、水库塘池、稻田溪沟等水域,都盛产田螺。田螺肉丰腴细腻,特别是其肌肉发达的足部更是肥嫩可口。田螺肉的营养价值颇高,每100克含蛋白质10.7克,脂肪1.2克,糖5.8克,还含有钙、磷、铁、维生素甲和核黄素等各种营养成分。因此,田螺不 With the rise of urban hot fried snail, snail has always been humble, suddenly doubled in identity. As the saying goes: “March snail eel in April.” Lunar New Year in March, spring, everything revives, dormant in the mud during the winter snail, have climbed out of the soil, this time eating snail, can be described as a great pleasure. Snail is a kind popular in urban and rural areas in China’s Yangtze River valley snails, its distribution is very wide, in rivers and lakes, reservoirs pool ponds, paddy fields and other waters, are rich in snails. Snail meat abundance of delicate, especially its muscular foot is fat and delicious. Snail meat nutritional value is high, per 100 grams protein 10.7 grams, 1.2 grams of fat, sugar 5.8 grams, also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A and riboflavin and other nutrients. Therefore, the snail does not
1.-Can I help you?-Well, I’m afraid the box is ______ heavyfor you, but thank you all the same. (MET 90)A. so B. much C. very D. too2. The piano in the other
New Year’s Day is more festive than Christmas in France and Scotland. In these countries, Christmas is a religious holiday only, while New Year is the time fo
1999年 6月 2 8日 ,澳大利亚的一家运送铁矿石的铁路公司BHP ,开行了世界上最长和最重的采用电子控制的空气制动系统的列车。这列列车由 5台 2 983kWGEDash 8型内燃机车和 2 4 0辆装有GEHarris公