本文以国际法委员会于2001年二读通过的《国家对国际不法行为的责任条款》(Draft articles on Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts,以下简称“二读条款”)及评注为理论基础,结合国际法案例实践、国际法委员会历年的工作报告及其他学者论述为理论参考,试对受害国以外国家援引责任及合法措施现状进行恰当分析,并对其未来发展趋势做适当展望。
Based on the Draft articles on Responsibility of States for International wrongful acts (“IIR”) and commentary, adopted by the International Law Commission on second reading in 2001, The practice of international law, the report of the work of the International Law Commission over the years and other scholars’ expositions serve as theoretical references. The article tries to analyze the status quo of liability and legal measures invoked by countries outside the victimized countries and make an appropriate prospect of their future development trend.