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伴随着呼啸的北风,冬天已经来临,给我们带来了别样的景致和欢乐。在那些大文豪眼里,冬天是什么样的呢?冬天最有特色的景象莫过于冰天雪地了,尤其是突如其来的大雪,更会让人无比惊喜。比如唐代诗人岑参曾写道:“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。”用形象贴切的比喻,描写了北国突降大雪时的情形。尽管诗人描写的是“八月”飞雪,算不上冬景,但这句诗千 With the north wind whistling, the winter has come, giving us a different kind of view and joy. In the eyes of those big writers, what kind of winter is it? The most distinctive winter scenery is like ice and snow, especially the sudden heavy snow, but also make people extremely surprised. For example, the Tang Dynasty poet Cen Shen wrote: “Suddenly a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear tree bloom.” Appropriate image with the metaphor of the Northern sudden heavy snowfall situation. Although the poet describes the “August” blizzard, not winter scenery, but this poem