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【正】 江苏省东台县位于苏北,地处沿海。全县有滩涂87.5万亩。还有堤外潮上带滩地27.8万亩,潮间带116万多亩,合计225万多亩。这些滩涂处于暖温带向亚热带过渡地带,气候温暖,生物资源十分丰富,有利于农作物、牧草、林木的生长。充分利用这些资源,对于促进全县农业发展,提高农业生产经济效益具有重要意义。 解放30多年来,东台县积极利用滩涂资源,开垦良田,兴办牧场、林场,进行海产品养殖,取得了很大成绩,第一,先后共开垦荒滩80万亩,形成耕地60多万亩,占全县现有耕地的三分之一以上。同时开发利用潮间带达15万
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between general health and job burnout of male and female high school teachers in Zabol. The research fo
This study aims, first, to examine the limit for tolerance to lower salinity by an oceanic sea skater, Halobates micans, and , second, to make it clear whether
The weighted Gini-Simpson quadratic index is the simplest measure of biodiversity which takes into account the relative abundance of species and some weights as
历经数年商业的繁华,纺织界的目光再次满怀热情地聚焦巴塞罗那。ITMA Barcelona 2019激起了人们更多的热情和乐观。机械供应商、纺织厂商和其他主要参展者在巴塞罗那齐聚一堂,他们渴望发现创新的解决方案,并希望对当前的市场趋势有更多的了解,以便在性能和质量方面适应更具挑战和快速变化的市场需求。  6月26日ITMA 2019纺机展满载人们的期望落下了帷幕,但展会的盛况还记忆犹新。本届展会上,
This tutorial review is dedicated to the work of the outstanding Egyptian theoretical physicist and engineering scientist Prof. Mohamed El Naschie. Every physic
Katla in Iceland is one of the famous volcanoes of the world for the ferocity of the eruptions and associated j?kulhlaups. The major potential hazards are the j
Air flow in nose and sinuses is studied by means of a simple model based on the steady-state ideal fluid flow assumption and repeated use of Bernoulli’s equati