五反对库尔贝写实主义艺术的声音从未停息,其中最尖锐也最具代表性的来自批评家波德莱尔[Charles Pierre Baudelaixe]。其实,波德莱尔和库尔贝曾是密友,两人同为安道尔啤酒馆常客,都痴迷于普鲁东的思想,甚至在1848年革命期间一起亲历过街头斗争。但在库尔贝发表《宣言》之后,波德莱尔立即拟写《自从有了写实主义》[Puisque Realisme il y a]予以批驳,对尚夫勒里与库尔贝所主张的写实
Vocalism against Realism in Courbet has never ceased, with the sharpest and most representative of critic Charles Bauer-Baudelaixe. In fact, Baudelaire and Courbet were close friends, both of whom were frequent guests of the Andorran Brasserie, obsessed with Proudhon’s thoughts and even witnessed street battles during the 1848 revolution. But after Courbet’s declaration, Baudelaire immediately wrote a refutation of “Puisque Realisme il ya”, a realistic statement of the virtues of Châvrenley and Courbet