从三个“三中全会”说起 1978年12月,党的十一届三中全会确立了解放思想,实事求是的思想路线,并且决定把党和国家的工作中心转移到经济建设上来。从此,迈开了改革开放的步伐,开辟了我国社会主义经济发展的新的历史时期。在改革开放过程中,商品交换、市场机制的作用,日益显示其重要性。从而计划与市场的关系被提到日程上来。上上下下,提出了各种不同的观点,但基本上没有突破主辅论的范围。
Speaking from the Third Plenary Session of the Central Government in December 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party established the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts and decided to shift the work center of the party and state to economic construction. Since then, it has taken the pace of reform and opening up and opened up a new historical period for the development of China’s socialist economy. In the process of reform and opening up, the role of commodity exchange and market mechanism has increasingly shown its importance. Thus the relationship between the plan and the market is brought up to the agenda. Up and down, made a variety of different points of view, but basically did not break through the scope of the main and auxiliary.