The wettability of coal dust is the key factor that affects the wet dust removal in coal mines. It is affected by many kinds of physicochemical factors, and there are multiple collinearities among the influencing factors. In view of the multivariate stepwise regression to overcome the multivariate multicollinearity of the excellent and effective, the use of SPSS software, the use of multiple stepwise regression method to study the industrial analysis of coal dust, elemental analysis, the oxygen content of functional groups and other factors on the coal dust wettability Impact. The results show that the main factors affecting the wettability of coal dust are phenolic hydroxyl content on coal dust and fixed carbon content in coal dust. The optimal regression equation is θ = 35.042-10.780 [phenolic hydroxyl] + 0.859Wad (FC) The regression equation of the best correlation coefficient of 0.943, goodness of fit higher, the regression effect is better.