
来源 :西北民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dluflonline
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在甘肃省永靖县境内的黄河河畔 ,前不久地质工作者经半年多挖掘 ,发现了 1 0 0多个恐龙足印化石。可分辨的有 1 0组。足印保存完整 ,可清晰分辨出脚印走向。其中最大的一组足印长 1 . 5米 ,宽 1 . 2米 ,而且前足印大于后足印 ,并成对出现。中国科学院古脊椎动物研究专家赵喜进 On the banks of the Yellow River in Yongjing County, Gansu Province, geologists discovered more than 100 dinosaur footprints after more than six months of excavation. There are 10 groups that can be distinguished. Footprints preserved, can clearly identify the footprints towards. One of the largest group of footprints is 1.5 meters wide and 1.2 meters wide, and the front foot print is larger than the rear foot print and appears in pairs. Chinese Academy of Sciences vertebrate vertebrate research expert Zhao Xi Jin
We will review some of the requirements for a laser that would be used with a laser fusion energy power plant, including frequency, spatial beam smoothing, band