The method of using the structure type of calcite structural rocks to analyze the principal stress axes suffered by them has long been noticed. For the deformation of calcite, a great deal of experimental rock deformation has been done.In recent years, the application of x-ray rock analysis technology has made it possible to analyze the structure type of fine-grained calcite tectonism. However, there are still many different opinions and questions about how to apply experimental data to explain naturally deformed calcite tectonic rocks. In studying the calcite tectonic rocks of the root zone of the Helvette pockets in western Switzerland, the authors recognized that the method of measuring the orientation of the principal stress axis causing deformation of e-billets that measure calcite remains an available The method, in particular, is used to determine the orientation of the local late tectonic stress field in the vicinity of a shear zone or fault to determine its direction of shear movement.