Importance of Comprehensive Psychology Education in English Subjects

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  Introduction of Psychology
  Psychology is the study of the mind and of thought, feeling, and behaviour. It is an academic and applied discipline which involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors. Psychology deals mainly with humans but also sometimes with animals. Because psychology is difficult to study as a whole, psychologists often only look at small parts of it at a time(Fernald, 12)
  Psychology has much in common with many other fields such as the English education field, and overlaps with many of them. Nowadays, psychology plays a very important role in this modern society and the daily life of human beings.
  Functions of English and English Subjects
  English subjects are widely used in the world. By learning English subjects, people will know the world better and communicate with each other easier. Actually, it is a little different to learn English and other English subjects. A lot of students just keep complaining about the difficulties of learning English. Obvious, students need to read and recite a great amount of words and face a totally new and different culture. In this case, their natural fear will make them learn English with difficulty(Fernald, 15). What is more, some students have no interest in studying English or they do not like their English teachers. All these factors cause students study English and English subjects slowly and painful.
  The function of language is communication. And English education is teaching students how to communicate with each other and to gain more useful information. As a very popular and brief language in the world, English education is more and more dispensable. With the development of the education, psychology is widely used in English education. As an important and useful scientific theory, the comprehensive psychology should be mixed with English education and help more students master English well.
  Importance of Psychology in English Teaching
  With the development of economy and culture, especially the promotion of quality education, students’ mental health problems have aroused the attention of education circles. As a foreign language, English is welcomed by a lot of students, but hated by some ones. This is because they cannot grasp English well. After a long time, they will feel disappointed with English and English subjects. Bad mood will cause bad scores. In this case, teachers can see the vicious circle. Under the circumstances, the application of psychology education is very necessary and important.   Psychology is often treated as a type of science, and more and more teachers choose to use it as a good teaching method. If teachers can correctly understand and grasp the psychology of students and design the class teaching program according to the principle of educational psychology, they can surely make their students follow their ways of thinking and improve the efficiency of English teaching. At the same time, students’ studying burden can be greatly reduced and their achievement can be improved a lot(Hockenbury & Hockenbury,25). According a research, students who are glad to talk with their teachers after class always have better achievement. This is because they can better understand the teachers’ ideas by discussion. What is more, they can feel close to teachers and love English and English subjects more.
  English teachers need to know well about the thoughts of their students and master the psychology knowledge to fix the students’ psychology problems. In this case, they can know the problem and fix the problem correctly. And then, students’ English level can be greatly improved(Wallerstain, 54).
  Measures of Using Comprehensive Psychology Education
  (1)The Desire of Learning English
  The performance of foreign language language learning motivation is a strong desire for learning a foreign language and the thirst for knowledge. It is the internal cause which directly promotes foreign language learning. And the foreign language learning is a conscious initiative and enthusiasm of the activities of the psychological state(Blum,8).
  The psychologist Gadar thinks that foreign language learning motivation contains four aspects. They are the goal, the effortful behavior, the desire to attain the goal and the attitude. There are many types of foreign language learning motivations such as the achievement motivation. The achievement motivation refers to a good circle. The foreign language learners learn what he considered of great value and gain good scores. And then, he will strive to learn it better and in return, the good scores can promote him to study harder(Coon & Mitterer,15).
  In this case, teachers need to use this way to motivate their students to find the value of learning English and English subjects. This is because it is an effective way.
  (2)The Ecpectation Effect
  The important research of psychologist R. Rosenthal and Jacobsen LF. Jacobson shows that teachers transfer their expectations to the students explictly or implicitly, and the students can shape their behaviors according to the teachers’ expectations. And the expectation of teachers will give students endless motivation. People call this effect as “ Piga Marley Weng effect”(Coon & Mitterer,16). In this case, teachers need to encourage their students and show their great expectation to the students. Talking with students, and show the teachers’ great expectation and confidence.   (3)Communicate More With Students
  Teachers need to talk with their students often in order to know their real ideas and change the teaching method according to the students’ problems. In this case, students can be greatly encouraged and have more motivation to learn English and English subjects well(Wilga &Mary, 37). At the same time, teachers need to change frequently according to the students’ studying needs. For example, teachers can use the new and fresh news to arouse the students attention and make them feel interested about the topic. In this case, the teaching efficiency can be greatly improved.
  In a word, psychological education is a good way to help students learn English and English subjects well. Maybe sometimes, English classes are a liitle boring, teachers still need to arouse the students’ initiative. In this case, students can learn better. English subjects deserve to be learned by more and more people and used by more and more people. Since psychology can help students study effectively, it should be widely used.
  Comprehensive psychology is a good and deep science for all of us. Both teachers and students should know more about it and make full use of it. In this case, they can improve themselves a lot easily. At the same time, the education part will be greatly improved and gain more achievements.
  Works Cited
  Fernald L.D. “Psychology: six perspectives.” Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications(2010):12-15.
  Wilga M. Rivers & Mary S. Temperley. “A Practical Guide to the Teaching of English as A Second or Foreign Language.” New York: Oxford University Press (1978):37
  Hockenbury & Hockenbury. “Psychology.” Worth Publishers(2008):25
  Coon D. & Mitterer J.O. “Introduction to psychology: gateways to mind and behavior.” Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning(2008):15-16
  Wallerstain. “Forty-Two Lives in Treatment: A Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy.”(2000):54
  Blum HP. “Female Psychology.” New York: International Universities Press(1997):8-9
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