我们自行研制成功便携式瘫痪肢体康复理疗仪 ,并用于临床防治脑卒中偏瘫的足下垂 ,取得了明显的效果。现总结报道如下。1资料与方法1.1资料全部病例随机取自同期住院的脑卒中病人。应用本理疗仪的为康复组 ,由人工作被动运动的为对照组。康复组112例 ,男62例 ,女50?
We have successfully developed a portable cadaver rehabilitation physiotherapy instrument for clinical prevention and treatment of stroke with hemiplegia, and achieved significant results. The summary report is as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Data All patients were randomly selected from stroke patients hospitalized during the same period. The rehabilitation group was used to apply this physiotherapy instrument and the control group was passively exercised. 112 patients in the rehabilitation group, 62 males and 50 females?