The Influence of Ideology on Literal Translation

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  【Abstract】This paper has made a comparative study of the two Chinese versions of Sons and Lovers in 1983 and 2012, from the perspective of ideology under the framework of Rewriting Theory. The author gives examples from the two versions, probes into the dominant ideologies in the 1980s and 2010s and illustrates how ideology constraints influence the translation process.
  【Key Words】Sons and Lovers; Chinese translations; Rewriting Theory; Ideology
  【中图分类号】H315.9 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)19-0002-01
  In Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame, Lefevere discusses the interaction between poetics, ideology and translation. For him, the most important consideration is the ideology constraints. From the perspective of ideology under the framework of Rewriting Theory, this paper will make a comparative study of the two Chinese versions of Sons and Lovers in 1983 and 2012. It proves that ideology can directly affect the translation strategy of translators.
  And Clara knew this held him to her, so she trusted altogether to the passion. It, however, failed her very often. They did not often reach again the height of that once when the pewits had called. Gradually, some mechanical effort spoilt their loving, or, when they had splendid moments, they had them separately, and not so satisfactorily. (D.H. Lawrence, 2005:349)
  Version 1
  Version 2
  The translators in version one don’t translate the sentences of sex descriptions in their translation, while the explicit language used in version two faithfully represents the original text. In the past, sex was always a topic of taboo in Chinese society. People were inhibited to talk about sex. Chen Liangting, who was born in 1929, was influenced by the old Chinese concept of sex more or less. In version one, we can see the traces of the manipulation of this ideology. In the early 1980, although people were a little more open?鄄minded than before, sex was also a sensitive topic in Chinese society. It is no wonder that translators of version one don’t translate the sex descriptions deliberately in their translation. With the implementation of reform and opening up and the irresistible trend of economic globalization, Chinese concept of sex has undergone big changes. The concept of liberating sex originating from western countries has influenced Chinese society to a great extent. In the 2010s, talking about sex is no longer a taboo in Chinese society. Under this ideology, Chen Hongyu translates the sex description faithfully in his/her version.
  As an inter?鄄lingual and cross?鄄cultural communication behavior, translation is closely related to ideology. As an “invisible hand”, ideology manipulates translation practice. (Wang Dongfeng, 2003) Translators in different times may be influenced by different dominant ideologies. The translation strategies they adopt probably are influenced by different ideologies.
  [1]D.H.Lawrence. Sons and Lovers [M]. Xi’an: World Publishing Corporation, 2005.
  [3]D.H.Lawrence.陈良廷,刘文澜译.儿子与情人 [M].北京:人民文学出版社,1983.
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