
来源 :财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fragishsss
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随着经济体制改革的不断深入,财政体制的改革亦将逐步深化,办好乡镇财政,加强乡镇行政、企事业单位财务管理,促进乡镇经济全面发展,已成为乡镇财政建设的一项重要任务。1986年,我县乡镇财政所在理顺财政内部财务关系的同时,逐步加强了对乡镇行政、企业、事业单位的财务管理,取得了显著成效。1986年我县有26个乡镇财 With the continuous deepening of the reform of the economic system, the reform of the financial system will also gradually deepen. It has become an important task for township financial construction to properly handle the financial affairs of the township and towns, strengthen the financial management of the township administration, enterprises and public institutions and promote the all-round development of the township economy. In 1986, while managing the financial relations within the financial sector, the township and town governments in our county gradually strengthened the financial management of the township administrations, enterprises and public institutions and achieved remarkable results. In 1986, my county had 26 townships and townships
Hydroxyapatite powder was prepared by sol-gel method using the calcium nitrate tetrahydrate and pentoxide as reactant. The effects of main processing parameters
为了了解农户施用农药防治水稻病虫的情况,我们于1987年7月12~20日和10月18~25日分别在全区18个县(市)考查了87户农户施用农药防治早、晚稻病虫情况,现将结果整理如下。 In o
这次全国财政理论讨论会结合当前经济发展和体制改革的任务,就经济形势、国民经济综合平衡,深化财政体制改革、完善企业经营机制等问题展开了讨论。 (一)关于经济形势问题同
Using the Sol-Gel method to produce the KTN ultrafine powder and the sintering technique with K2O atmosphere to prepare KTN ceramics as the targets instead of t