Ecological hydraulic radius model to calculate instream flow requirements for transporting sediment

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binsheng
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Transporting sediment is a natural function of the river. To maintain the normal evolution of the river certain amount of water flow is required, which is called the instream flow requirements for transporting sediment (IFRTS). We defined the permitting flow velocity by the conception of IFRTS, and also put forward the ecological hydraulic radius model (EHRM) to estimate IFRTS. The calculating process of EHRM is explained by the example of Daofu Hydrological Station on Xianshui branch of Yalong River in the west line first-stage construction of South-North Water Transfer Project. The result shows that the IFRTS occupied 29.7%―59.5% of annual mean discharge in flood season, the average of IFRTS was about 100.2 m3/s during 1966―1987, it is close to the IFRTS 90 m3/s calculated by IFRTS conception. Hence, it is feasible to use EHRM to calculate IFRTS. To maintain the normal evolution of the river certain amount of water flow is required, which is called the instream flow requirements for transporting sediment (IFRTS). We defined the permitting flow velocity by the conception of IFRTS, and also forward the ecological hydraulic radius model (EHRM) to estimate IFRTS. The calculating process of EHRM is explained by the example of Daofu Hydrological Station on Xianshui branch of Yalong River in the west line first-stage construction of South-North Water Transfer Project. The result shows that the IFRTS occupied 29.7% -59.5% of annual mean discharge in flood season, the average of IFRTS was about 100.2 m3 / s during 1966-1987, it is close to the IFRTS 90 m3 / s by IFRTS conception. Therefore, it is feasible to use EHRM to calculate IFRTS.
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<正> 袁江,字文涛,■苏江都(今扬州)人,生于1662年,卒于1735年。是清代著名画家,擅长界画,尤多绘山水楼阁。他与其侄袁耀曾受山西盐商之聘,到山西作画,所以作品在北方保存较多。收藏于山西省博物馆的《袁江画册》是其中的一件。画册八开,绢地,每开纵30、横30.7厘米。所绘8幅设色画,内容为蔬果、花卉、鱼虾、牛羊等。画幅左下方或右上方钤白文"袁江"、朱文"文涛"印。一、白菜、虾、蚌图绘一棵白菜和两蚌一虾,菜叶黄绿,蚌为酱紫色,虾为紫红色,色彩浅淡柔和。画面构图严谨,层次分明,笔墨简练,线