菏84—5大豆新品种是山东省菏泽地区农科所以科系5号为母本,美国品种索尔夫作父本有性杂交选育而成。1990年3月通过山东省作物品审会的审定。 主要特征特性 株高85—90厘米,主茎17—18节,稀植时分枝多,密植时分枝少,株型紧凑,亚
He 84-5 new varieties of soybeans in Heze, Shandong Province, so the Department of Agricultural Sciences Department No. 5 as the female parent, the US variety Solf father sexual hybrid breeding. In 1990 March passed the validation of Shandong Province crop audits. The main characteristics of the plant height of 85-90 cm, the main stem 17-18 section, when planting more branches, close planting fewer branches, compact plant type, Asia