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本文就我国公路建设需要的迫切性,与采用“BOT”方式大力发展公路建设的可行性及应慎重对待的问题,简要论述如下。 一、我国交通运输一直处于“瓶颈”状态,制约了生产力的发展 在五种运输方式中,公路相对的发展速度更显滞后。在1993年国家统计局公报的货物周转量30405亿吨公里中,公路为4175亿吨公里,占总数的13.73%;旅客周转量7807亿人公里中,公路为3582亿人公里,占45.88%。公路运输客货周转量不仅远低于发达国家,比印度也差不少。汽车的经济效益也不高,1994年中国500家最大服务企业排行榜上列的交通邮电业部门的62家中:铁路有13家(其中北京铁路局列62家之首,年营业收入达90余亿元);海运有20家(其中上海 In this paper, the urgency of the need of highway construction in our country and the feasibility of using “BOT” to develop the highway construction are discussed briefly. First, China’s transportation has been in a “bottleneck” state, restricting the development of productivity In the five modes of transportation, the relative speed of road development more lag. Of the 3.0405 trillion kilograms of goods carried in the communique of the National Bureau of Statistics in 1993, the total number of highways was 417.5 billion tons, accounting for 13.73% of the total; and of the passenger traffic of 780.7 billion km, the number of highways was 358.2 billion km, accounting for 45.88% of the total. The volume of passenger and freight traffic on road transport is not only far below that of developed countries but also much less than that of India. The economic benefits of automobiles are not high. Among the 62 transportation, telecommunications and telecommunications sectors listed above in the top 500 Chinese service enterprises in 1994, there are 13 railways (of which 62 are the first in the Beijing Railway Administration with an annual operating income of more than 90 100 million yuan); shipping 20 (including Shanghai
妮可·基曼 出生于夏威夷的 火奴鲁鲁,父亲 安东尼是一位生 化学家,母亲詹 妮莉·基曼是护 士。3岁时,她跟 父母移居澳大利 亚的悉尼,并在那里长大,妮可从小就有很浓的表演欲望,曾在
1 工作装置结构与原理工科SF—350型摊铺机是一种水泥混凝土面层施工的较先进的专用设备,由机架系统、发动机、行走装置及工作装置等组成,整机全液压传动,其工作装置的结构及
[摘 要] 本文首先探讨了在项目管理中进行有效沟通的必要性,阐述了有效沟通的含义和形式,并在此基础上探讨了有效沟通的组织结构,最后介绍了有效沟通的作用,认为在项目管理进行有效沟通,不仅能够提高决策的质量,提高工作效率,而且能够提高企业员工的士气。  [关键字] 项目管理 有效沟通 作用  项目管理是指在项目活动中运用专门的知识、技能、工具和方法,使项目能够在有限资源限定条件下,实现或