目的:探讨中毒性表皮坏死松解型药疹(toxic epidermal necrolysis,TEN)的护理措施。方法:对9例TEN患者实施保护性隔离,在积极支持治疗的基础上,采用纳米银抗感染敷料联合无菌棉垫覆盖创面,安排特护确保基础护理、创面护理、病情观察到位。结果:9例患者均未发生创面感染,经过精心治疗护理原有感染创面治愈,8例痊愈出院未遗留疤痕,1例因多器官功能衰竭死亡。结论:在合理治疗的基础上,实施精心护理是提高TEN患者抢救成功率、降低创面感染、遗留疤痕等的重要策略。
Objective: To explore the nursing measures of toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). Methods: Nine patients with TEN were treated with protective isolation. On the basis of active supportive therapy, nano-silver anti-infection dressing and sterile cotton pad were used to cover the wounds. Special care was provided to ensure basic nursing, wound care and observation of the disease. Results: None of the 9 patients had any wound infection. After careful treatment and care of the original infected wounds, 8 patients were cured and left unexplained scars, and 1 patient died of multiple organ failure. Conclusion: On the basis of reasonable treatment, meticulous care is an important strategy to improve the success rate of rescue in patients with TEN, reduce wound infection, left scar and so on.