刘国梁大哥哥: 您好!请允许我这么称呼您。国梁大哥,您知道吗?我是个中学生,特喜欢您,崇拜您,也非常佩服您。您能在任何比赛中都表现得异乎寻常的沉着冷静,特别是您在争夺激烈的国际比赛场上那咄咄逼人的气势,闪电般突击的顽强作风,更令我永远难忘。 我是在观看第43届世锦赛,您对瓦尔德内尔一役时认识您的。当您面对决定胜负的关键时刻,大胆采用反胶接发球抢冲技术,以迅雷不及掩耳的攻势抢占了场上优势,最后战胜瓦尔德内尔时,我便成了您最忠实的球迷。
Liu Guoliang big brother: Hello! Please allow me to call you so. Guoliang brother, you know? I am a high school student, I love you, worship you, also admire you. You can perform exceptionally calm and calm at any event, especially if you are competing for the intense international arena with the flashy and stubborn tenacity and I will never forget it. I was watching the 43rd World Championship when you met Vandernelle. When you face the decisive moment of the moment, the bold use of anti-adhesive Jieqiu rush technology, to take advantage of the lightning offensive to seize the field advantage, the final victory over Waldner, I became your most loyal fan.