在必须对哪种荧光粉适用于特殊目的做出决择时,其最后的决定常常要根据视觉去作出评价。一种彩色显示的测定是在一个只有一种灯的暗箱里进行的。而要对两种灯作出比较就得在并排的两个暗箱中进行。这是选择哪种光源最好的一种传统的方法,但它可以同时看到来自两种光源的光,而且观察者并不适应其中的某一种光,事实上只适应这两种光的混合光。美国 J.F.McNelis等人作的这项工作就是为了提供一种交替的方法以避免出现混合或交叉适应问题.
When it is necessary to decide on which phosphor to use for a particular purpose, its final decision is often evaluated visually. A color-coded test is carried out in a dark box with only one type of lamp. To compare two lamps, you have to do it in two dark boxes side by side. This is one of the best traditional ways to choose which light source to use, but it can see light from both light sources at the same time, and the observer does not adapt to one of them, and in fact only those two lights Mixed light. This work by J.F. McNelis et al. In the United States aims to provide an alternative approach to avoid mixing or cross-adaptation problems.