
来源 :泸州职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouli1017
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方言四字格的复杂多样和大量存在是静宁方言词汇的一大特色。本文收录了静宁方言四字格400余条,能比较全面地反映其结构、句法、语义和修辞特点。其中不包含与普通话相同的和能够还原为双音词的AABB式。 The complex, diverse and numerous existence of the four-character dialect is a major feature of the Jingning dialect vocabulary. This paper contains more than 400 four-character Jingning dialect, which can comprehensively reflect its structure, syntax, semantics and rhetorical features. It does not include the same AABB type that can be reverted to disyllabic words.