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本世纪30年代,国内一些学术和时论文章指出,日本对新疆抱有侵略野心,但未能提出具体的论据。当时的新疆,究竟是否存在日本侵略的威胁,这是新疆近代史研究中的一个重要问题。笔者借助日本外务省文书档案与日本学者的研究成果,对此问题略述己见。一日本对新疆的关注,可以追溯到明治年代(1868-1912)后期,自1880年至1906年,先后有日本驻俄国公使西德二郎、考古学者大谷光瑞、桔瑞超率领的探险队、上海东亚同文书院第二届毕业生波多野养作、林出贤次郎、樱井好章、参谋本部军人日野强和上原多市进入新疆。 In the 1930s, some domestic academic and time articles pointed out that Japan has an aggressive ambition in Xinjiang but failed to come up with specific arguments. At that time, whether or not there was a threat of Japanese aggression in Xinjiang was an important issue in the study of modern history in Xinjiang. I use the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs documentary and Japanese scholars’ research results, this issue has been described. A Japan’s concern with Xinjiang can be traced back to the late Meiji period (1868-1912). From 1880 to 1906, there were successively expeditions led by Japanese ambassador to Russia Sir Jiro Ergo, archeologists Otani Kurau, The second graduate of East Asia College with the text Hakata wild cultivation, Lin Kenji Lang, Sakurai good chapter, the staff headquarters Hino strong and Uehara multi-market into Xinjiang.
<正> 20世纪30年代,日本军国主义对中国发动了全面侵略战争,犯下了种种罪行。日军强迫中国、朝鲜妇女作慰安妇,使中国、朝鲜妇女蒙受了深重灾难,对日本军国主义这一罪行,战后
人们常说:好孩子是夸出来的。这一观点一直被很多教育家或教育专著所大力提倡。因此,现在的教师和家长都越来越重视表扬的作用,也越来越习惯使用表扬这一手段激励学生,甚至有人说:“教育孩子的秘诀就五个字,往死里夸他。”  表扬真的是包治百病的神药,是有百利而无一害的良方吗?  很多一线教师对这一观点并不认同。有老师认为,表扬是一把“双刃剑”,在带给部分孩子信心、激励的同时,也会带来一些副作用,如“表扬带来