Information-Centric Networking (ICN) has recently emerged as a result of the increased demand to access contents regard-less of their location in the network services. This new approach facilitates content distribu-tion as a service of the network with lower de-lay and higher security in comparison with the current IP network. Applying ICN in current IP infrastructure leads to major complexities. One approach to deploy ICN with less com-plexity is to integrate ICN with Software De-fined Networking (SDN). The SDN controller manages the content distribution, caching, and routing based on the users’ requests. In this paper, we extend these context by addressing the ICN topology management problem over the SDN network to achieve an improved user experience as well as network performance. In particular, a centralized controller is designed to construct and manage the ICN overlay. Ex-perimental results indicate that this adopted topology management strategy achieves high performance, in terms of low failure in interest satisfaction and reduced download time com-pared to a plain ICN.