Effect of boron addition on the microstructures and mechanical properties of thermomechanically proc

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liulaolv
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Thermomechanical process and tempering heat treatment were employed to produce the experimental steel plates. The effect of boron addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low carbon bainitic steels was studied in this paper. Microstructure observation and crystallographic features were conducted by using optical microscopy, SEM, TEM and electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD) analysis. The results showed that under the same rolling processes and heat treatment conditions, a substantial increase in strength is obtained by addition of boron into steel, but accompanied by an obvious drop in toughness. New martensite phase forms along the grain boundaries on tempering at 650 C mainly due to boron segregation, which can further deteriorate impact toughness of the boron bearing steel. The EBSD analysis showed that high angle grain boundary is not responsible for the deteriorated toughness of the boron bearing steel because it has relatively higher percentage of high angle grain boundary than the boron free steel. The low toughness of the boron bearing steel is mainly attributed to the coarse boride precipitated particles according to the results of fractograph observation. Thermomechanical process and tempering heat treatment were employed to produce the experimental steel plates. The effect of boron addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low carbon bainitic steels was studied in this paper. Microstructure observation and crystallographic features were conducted by using optical microscopy, SEM The results showed that under the same rolling processes and heat treatment conditions, a substantial increase in strength is obtained by addition of boron into steel, but accompanied by an obvious drop in toughness. New martensite phase forms along the grain boundaries on tempering at 650 c due due to boron segregation, which can further deteriorate impact toughness of the boron bearing steel. The EBSD analysis showed that high angle grain boundary is not responsible for the deteriorated toughness of the boron bearing steel because it has relatively higher percentage of high an gle grain boundary than the boron free steel. The low toughness of the boron bearing steel is primarily attributed to the coarse boride precipitated particles according to the results of fractograph observation.
[摘 要] 高等数学是高职院校最为重要的基础性必修课程之一,其中微积分更是此课程的重点内容。作为一门基础性学科,微积分更多研究的是应用数学,其充当着重要的工具角色,可以推动高职院校学生对其他知识的掌握和学习,所以需要对高职微积分课程教学进行分析研究,提升其针对性和有效性,从而增强高职院校学生对知识的理解和应用能力,为其今后的發展打下基础。  [关 键 词] 高职院校;微积分;教学策略
Two records of the crust laminae from the Marcus-Wake Seamounts and the Magellan Seamount were biostratigraphically studied. Based on biological imprints of the
[摘 要] 随着社会的发展,作为培养社会高技能人才摇篮的技工类院校,开展创业教育也势在必行。在分析技工院校服务类专业学生创业教育存在问题的基础上,尝试提出加强技工院校服务类专业学生创业教育的有效对策,希望能够为相关院校相关专业的发展提供参考和借鉴。  [关 键 词] 技工院校;服务类专业;创业教育  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号]