
来源 :湖南安全与防灾 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hexinyu2005
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案例提要2015年4月6日18时56分,福建省漳州市古雷港经济开发区台资企业翔鹭集团所属的腾龙芳烃PX项目装置发生漏油着火事故,引发装置附近中间罐区储罐爆裂燃烧。事故造成1人受伤,5人被玻璃刮伤,另有13名周边群众到医院留院观察,直接经济损失9457万元。直击爆炸现场4月6日晚,大海三面环抱的福建省漳州市漳浦县古雷镇,被一声声巨响打破平静。台资企业翔鹭集团所属的腾龙芳烃PX项目发生爆炸。 Case Summary At 18:56 on April 6, 2015, an oil spill fire accident occurred at a Temong Aromatic PX plant owned by Xianglu Group, a Taiwanese-owned enterprise in Gulei Port Economic Development Zone, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, causing the explosion of a storage tank in the middle tank farm near the plant combustion. One person was injured in the accident, five were scratched by glass, and 13 others were taken to the hospital for observation. The direct economic loss was RMB 94.57 million. Watch the scene of the explosion on the evening of April 6, surrounded by the sea of ​​Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, Gou Lei town, was a loud noise to break the calm. Xianglu Group, a Taiwanese-owned company, exploded its Dragon Aromatic PX project.
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