《永不掉队》创作于1947年,是前苏联著名小说家冈察尔的短篇代表作。半个多世纪以来,它以其独特的思想和艺术魅力吸引着广大的读者。 作品构思精妙。作家以巧取胜,构织了一个颇有意味的故事。小说写了三巧:一是故人巧遇。卫国战争刚刚结束,近卫军大尉高罗沃依走进大学校园读书,意外地见到了当年被他填入伤
“Never left behind” was created in 1947, is a short masterpiece of the famous Soviet novelist Gonchar. For more than half a century, with its unique ideas and artistic charm, it has attracted a large audience. Works conceived. Writers to succeed, organized a rather interesting story. The novel wrote three coincidence: First, the deceased coincidence. The Great Patriotic War just ended, Guards Corporal Galowo walked into university campuses reading, accidentally saw the year he was wounded