古埃及是世界历史上最悠久的文明古国之一。金字塔是古埃及文明的代表作,它建造于沙漠之中,结构精巧、外形宏伟,是埃及文明的象征。世界上最大的金字塔——胡夫金字塔位于尼罗河西畔、距开罗约20公里的吉萨。然而,对于我们古埃及研究协会(Ancient Egypt Research Associates or AERA)的考古队员们来说,吉萨这个地方赋予我们最重要的意义不是宏伟的金字塔,也不是美丽的狮身人面像,而是我们在这里,在吉萨高原的东南角25个年头的辛勤工作。想要真实地了解古埃及文明,我们必须从历史遗存中清楚地知道建造金字
Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest ancient civilizations in world history. Pyramid is the representative of ancient Egyptian civilization, which built in the desert, compact structure, grand appearance, is a symbol of Egyptian civilization. The world’s largest pyramid - Khufu Pyramid is located in the Nile West Bank, about 20 km from Cairo, Giza. However, for the archeologists of our Ancient Egypt Research Associates or AERA, what is most important to us in this place of Giza is not the magnificent pyramid nor the beautiful Sphinx We are here, 25 years of hard work in the southeast corner of the Giza Plateau. To truly understand the ancient Egyptian civilization, we must know clearly from historical relics