对于许多人来说,爱琴海是一片魂牵梦绕之地,而爱琴海之中的圣托里尼,则给了这份思量一个落脚之地。这座月牙形状的小岛,分布着许多别具风情的小镇,而充斥在天地之间无边无际的蓝,一定能给你带来别样的感受。Fira的蓝顶教堂关键词圣托里尼的地标景点要属蓝顶教堂。蓝顶教堂并不好找,它在Fira和Firostefani中间的海边步道上,并且需要到上方平台往下看才能看到。这也是蓝顶教堂最为常见的拍摄角度。拍摄要点适合在上午拍摄,可以得到更好的色彩表现。下午时逆光,拍出来容易泛白,层次不佳。拍摄数据F8,1/250秒,ISO 100拍摄点1
For many, the Aegean is a land of dreams, and the Santorini in the Aegean Sea gives this thought-footer. This crescent - shaped island, with its many exotic towns, is filled with immense blueness between heaven and earth and will surely give you a different feeling. Fira’s Blue Top Church Keywords Santorini’s Landmark attractions belong to the Blue Roof Church. The Blue Roof Church is not easy to find, it is on the seaside trail between Fira and Firostefani, and needs to be seen by the platform above it. This is the most common point of view of the Blue Roof Church. Shooting points suitable for shooting in the morning, you can get a better color performance. Afternoon backlight, shoot out easily white, poor level. Shooting data F8, 1/250 seconds, ISO 100 shooting point 1