标准规范先行引导,活灵活现样板开路 实物交底直观明了,标准实施落地生根 “工程建设标准化走基层”系列活动之一:河南之行

来源 :工程建设标准化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyzhen
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工程建设标准化的基础在基层,活力也在基层。要做好工程建设标准的实施与监督,各级工程建设标准化管理机构要把工作重心放在基层,并向基层拓展、向末端延伸,发挥广大基层标准化工作者的积极性、主动性和创造性,形成抓基层的强大合力。为进一步加强工程建设标准化宣传工作,营造全社会的标准化意识和学标准、用标准的良好氛围,为主管部门推进标准化改革和强化标准实施监督工作提供强大的思想基础、实践基础和社会基础,本刊特别策划了“2015年工程建设标准化走基层系列活动”。活动目的,旨在提高对标准的认识水平和重视程度,扩大标准化宣传的辐射力和影响力。通过走基层活动,一方面把国家工程建设标准化法律法规、政策措施和改革主旋律向基层单位和人员进行广泛宣传,同时通过走访基层单位、参观施工现场,深入调查研究,将所见所闻的基层一线的先进人物、优秀事迹、优质工程、创新成果和典型经验搜集整理后,通过本刊进行广泛宣传、报道和推广。 The basis of standardization of construction at the grassroots level, vitality is also the grassroots level. We should do a good job in the implementation and supervision of construction standards, and standardization management agencies at all levels should focus their efforts on the grassroots, expand to the grassroots, extend to the end, and give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of grassroots standardization workers Grasp the grass-roots strong together. In order to further strengthen the standardization and propaganda work of the project construction and to create a standardized awareness and learning standard for the whole society and provide a sound ideological basis, practical basis and social foundation for the competent departments to promote standardization reform and strengthen the supervision over the implementation of the standards Special planning of the magazine “2015 standard construction projects to go grass-roots series ”. The purpose of the activity is to raise the standard of awareness and emphasis, and to expand the standard of advocacy of radiation and influence. Through grassroots activities, on the one hand, we have widely publicized the laws, regulations, policies and measures for the standardization of state construction and the reform themes to grassroots units and personnel. At the same time, we have visited grassroots units, visited construction sites, conducted thorough investigations and studies, The first-line advanced people, outstanding deeds, quality engineering, innovative achievements and typical experience collected, through the publication of a wide range of publicity, reporting and promotion.
有一天晚上,我迷迷糊糊地快要睡着的时候,突然听到“嗡嗡嗡”的声音。不好,蚊子向我进攻了!  我立马坐起来,打开电灯,可是只听见声音,却看不到蚊子。我自我安慰道:“一定是幻觉,幻觉!蚊子不会咬我,不会咬我!”  然而我刚躺下,就又听到“嗡嗡”的声音了。“报告!蚊子向我方发起猛烈的攻击,请做好准备!”“收到!”我自言自语地说。我又爬起来,打开电灯,皱着眉头,进入了战备状态。  不知何时,我的腿上被蚊子
摘 要:供暖作为解决居民冬天取暖问题的重要方式。在建筑工程项目中,采暖通风直接影响着居民的切身利益。通常情况下,建筑采暖通风工程项目的施工相对繁琐,不但需要每个专业进行密切配合,还要在工程竣工后进行大量调试。本文主要结合多年来的实践经验,对现阶段采暖通风有关问题进行分析,总结出相应的解决措施。  关键词:采暖通风;房屋设计;节能环保  目前,国内各个城市居民之间的经济实力与生活习惯存在差异,而且各