盆栽杜鹃的品种很多,开花的先后差异很大。按正常花期(自然花期),早花品种在3月下旬开始开放,中花品种、晚花品种尔后陆续开放,到6月中旬基本结束。要想提前或推迟盆栽杜鹃的开放期,需采用人工促成栽培法,创造适宜的条件,方可如愿以偿。比如要想使之在元旦开放,必须采取以下措施: (1)选择开花较早的品种:经观察目前只有‘丹麦’、‘比利时红杜鹃’、‘双季桃雪’和‘观赏’等品种,经过促成栽培可望在元旦开花。前两个品种是红色系的花朵,开放时给人以鲜艳、热烈、吉祥的感觉;后者的花瓣红底白边,娇艳、妩媚,使人感到温馨。花期均可达一个月以上,实属元旦佳花。
There are many varieties of potted rhododendrons, blooming vary greatly. According to the normal flowering period (natural flowering period), the early flowering species began to open in late March. The middle flowering varieties and late flowering varieties were gradually opened to the end of mid-June. To early or postponed potted azalea opening period, the need to adopt artificial cultivation method, to create the appropriate conditions, can only get his wish. For example, to make it open on New Year’s Day, we must take the following measures: (1) Select the early flowering varieties: After the observation that only ’Denmark’, ’Rhododendron’, ’Double Peach Snow’ and ’ornamental’ and other varieties , After cultivation is expected to bloom in the New Year’s Day. The first two varieties are red flowers, open to give a bright, warm, auspicious feeling; the latter of the red petals white edge, tender and beautiful, charming, people feel warm. Flowering can reach more than a month, it is New Year’s Day flower.