羊八井 世界屋脊上的“地热博物馆”

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“吐蕃国西南有一涌泉,平地涌出,激水高五六尺,甚热,煮肉即熟,气上冲天,像似气雾。”——节选自唐代《法苑珠林》之《王玄策行传》在青藏高原这片世界上最洁净的土地上,神圣雄伟的山峰高耸入云,连接地平线的大漠孤烟、长河落日旷古沧桑,一望无际的美丽草原醉人心田,视线所及,壮美风光备受世人推崇赞叹。同时也有一些地区,终年云蒸雾罩,地面滚烫炙人,湖水热浪翻腾,引人驻足,令人叹为观止。这涌动的热流,正是自然界特别赠予“世界屋脊”的厚礼——地热。大自然的慷慨馈赠——丰饶的地热资源关于西藏地热,最早的汉文 “There is a spring in the southwest of the Tubo State, the ground gushes out, and the water is five or six feet high. It is very hot and the cooked meat is cooked and the gas is on the air like an aerosol.” - Excerpt from Tang Dynasty “Fa Yuan Zhu Lin On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the cleanest land in the world, towering peaks of sacred mountains connect the horizon with the desert smoke, the long history of the sunset, the endless beauty of the prairie land, the line of sight , Magnificent scenery respected by the world respected. At the same time, there are also some areas where steaming fog covers all year round and hot on the ground. This surging heat flow is exactly what nature has bestowed on the ”roof of the world" - geothermal. Generous gift of nature - abundant geothermal resources About geothermal in Tibet, the earliest Chinese
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4号文印发:  催生产业五大新机    2月9日,国务院印发《关于印发进一步鼓励软件产业和集成电路产业发展若干政策》(国发〔2011〕4号,简称4号文),进一步给力软件和集成电路产业:继续实施并强化相关税收优惠政策,鼓励、支持企业加强产业资源整合,引导企业将信息技术研发应用业务外包给专业企业,鼓励大中型企业将其信息技术研发应用业务机构剥离,并成立专业软件和信息服务企业……继2000年18号文发布,