【摘 要】
Time talks, It speaks more plainly than words. Time communi cates in many ways Consider the different parts of the day, for example. The time of the day when s
Time talks, It speaks more plainly than words. Time communi cates in many ways Consider the different parts of the day, for example. The time of the day when something is done can give a spceial meaning to the event. Factory managers in the United Srates fully realize the importance of an announcement made during the middle of the morning or
Time talks, It speaks more plainly than words. Time communi cates in many ways considered the different parts of the day, for example. The time of the day when something is done can give a spceial meaning to the event. Factory managers in the United Srates fully realize the importance of an announcement made during the middle of the morning or
高中毕业的打工妹,做过包装工、裁缝,因为生活困窘,在租住的民房里披上了神圣的婚纱,因为偏爱盖红盖头的古典婚俗,这次婚姻带给她意想不到的商机与财富…… 有心人结婚发现大商机 王萍高中毕业后来到广州打工,她先后做过广告传单员、保险推销员,后来又进了一家制衣厂做包装工,裁缝。2002年初,王萍与一名叫陈刚的汽车修理工相爱了,几个月的交往后,他们把婚礼定在这年的10月。由于单位只给几天的婚假,
新零售店NEW RETAIL SOURCES HUGO BOSS著名的Tornabuoni大街两边布满了精美的奢侈品商店和15世纪至18世纪重要的建筑,新近开业的HUGO BOSS旗舰店便坐落在这条名牌街上,风格
每天坐35W车上下班,车站总有一个卖报纸的老汉。老汉穿着整洁,看上去精神矍烁。看起来每天的生意都不错。 有一天下班时间不算晚,买了他一份杂志,便和他闲聊了起来。“老师傅,生意不错吧!” “嗯,还可以!”“看您成天忙忙碌碌的,收成一定不错吧!” “呵呵,还不错!反正养老婆和供孩子读书基本没问题了!朋友,别看我普普通通,我家女儿可是在南大读书哩!学费贵着哩!” “哟,老师傅,你真行啊!一般人可
《英语水平考试指南》p.27有一道选择题:Because of air pollution being greally reduced,this city is still .A.a good place to live B.lived as a good place C.a good
英国民间口语流传有这样两句现成话:一是“一根一根地拉,你就能拉下整个马尾巴”;一是“鞋匠只应守鞋楦”。两句现成话都有个故事。 头一句话原出古希腊传记作家普鲁塔克记
There was a merchant in Bagdad who sent his servant to a market to buy proninions.and m a liule while the servant came back,white and tiembling and said, “Mas
The door-bell rang again. It was Rao, a woman in the Foreign Language Department who was already in her forties but still fond of decking herself out and behav
瑞金:小开本的大好河山 在北方,你能清楚地看见地平线,地平线外的蔚蓝苍穹。在南方,却很难分清天空和大地的界线。率意的丛林小路,随意的山涧小径,蔓延的古镇石道……让看惯了落日圆、孤烟直,习惯了大开大合的北方人不由得着急。 ——原来,所谓南边的历史,就这样隐藏在密林深处、河道对岸? 我尝试着在一个大的框架里,把北方南方都纳入视野。将从前的北方写作,转换成一种具有普遍意义的表述,去发现从前自己未发