湘云鲫 是由中国工程院筠院士为首的协作组,运用细胞工程和有性杂交相结合的生物工程技术而培育出的三倍体鲫鱼,具有自身完全不育、生长快、抗病能力强、食性广、易捕捞、耐低温、肉嫩味美等优点。当年鱼苗个体可达500克,鱼种经一年养殖,个体可超过1000克,比普通鲫鱼生长快40%—60%,池塘养殖发生缺氧浮池时,草、鲢、鳙鱼类发生死亡,而湘云鲫却平安无事。在水温10%以下时,其它鱼类已停止生长,湘云鲫仍能摄食生长,池塘混养每亩可增产80—120公斤,增加纯利润1500元以上,湘云鲫可池塘主养、混养,也可进行网箱、稻田、湖泊、水库养殖等。 彭泽鲫 是江西省九江市水科所和江西省水科所共同合作选育的新的淡水养殖优良
Carassius auratus is a collaboration group led by Academician Jun Jun of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The triploid crucian carp cultivated by using bioengineering technology combined with cell-based and sexual hybridization has its own characteristics of complete infertility, fast growth, strong disease resistance, Broad diet, easy to catch, low temperature, tender and delicious advantages. When the individual fish fry up to 500 grams, breeding fish after a year, the individual can be more than 1000 grams, 40% -60% faster than the average carp growth, pond aquaculture occurred hypoxia floating grass, silver carp, bighead carp death, The Xiangyun crucian carp is safe. In the water temperature below 10%, other fish have stopped growing, still can feed the growth of cloud crucian carp pond polyculture can increase 80-120 kilograms per mu, an increase of net profit of more than 1,500 yuan, Xiangyun crucian carp pond main support, mixed Raise, but also for cages, rice fields, lakes, reservoirs and other aquaculture. Pengze crucian carp is Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province Water Institute and the Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Water jointly breeding new aquaculture fine