On the Translation of Enterprise Brand

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  Abstract:Brand name is an important part of the advertisement of a commodity. It is the symbol of the quality, characteristic and specification of the commod-ity. Brand names play an important part in the sales promotion of commodities. As a special intercultural activity, the translahon of Brand names plays a more andmore important part in international market competition. Yet it is no easy thing to transform brand names from one language to another one keeping the originalstyle, chann and connotation. The translation of brand names is not only a process to find a counterpart in the target language, but also a process of re - creation,because different countries and nations have different cultural background. Based on many convincing examples, this paper introduces the characteristics and func-tions of brand names, states the principles of the translation of brand names and offers the available and useful methods for the translation of brand names.
  Key Words: brand name ; tianslation ; principles ; methods
  中圖分类号 :1207. 5
  文章编号 :1672 -1578 ( 2019 ) 08 - 0299 - 02
  1. Introduction
  In the development of human society, the emergence of commodities givesrise to the birth of brand names. Brand names are the result of highly developedcommodity economy. They form an important aspect ofmodem economic life. Abrand name is the most prominent mark of the commodity, a good brand namecan leave deep impression upon the mind of shoppers and can arouse their de-sires to buy the related commodity. The import and export of commodities givesrise to the bhth of translation of brand names. Nowadays, because of the glo-balization national boundaries are being surmounted, intemational cooperationand communication, especially business cooperation, import and export of com-modities are strengthened. Whether the commodities can have a firm footing inthe foreifp market and be accepted by the consumers, thus building up goodbrand image lies in the qualified translation of brand names.
  In a sense, we can say that brand name means reputation. Because thetranslation of brand names is the re - entitlement of the commodity, it is veryimpmtant for the sales of the goods. Due to the acceleration of economy global-ization and china' s WTO membership, the interchanging of goods between Chi-na and other countries is becoming extensive. Companies, both domestic and a-broad are busying adjusting their management strategy and market orientation inorder to win the competition and occupy more international market. If a com-modity has a wonderful translation of brand name, then customers would be well - disposed towards it and consequently have a desire to buy it. While an un-successful translated brand name would not only bring economic loss to the com-pany, but also damage the image of the company. Thus, it is valuable to have aresearch on how to tTanslate brand names properly. In this paper, following theintroduction of the characteristics and functions of brand names, methods andprinciples that should be followed in the translation of brand names will be of-fered. Besides, problems arising in the process of translation of brand nameswill be analyzed and the solutions will he provided.   2. The Characteristics of Brand Names
  Firstly, Brand name is the symbol of a product, so it usually suggests theattributes of a product or a commodity. For example, When we see the brandname —巧手Ⅱ(literally means - deft hand Ⅱ) , we guess it might be relatedto washing powder, —五糧液 Ⅱ(literally means the - essence of five grains Ⅱ ) makes people think of the wine that is brewed from grain; while ——蒙牛 Ⅱ( literally means - Mongolian cows Ⅱ ) can be associated with the milk from In-ner Mongolia. Secondly, as commodities are to be sold to consumers, theirbrand names should be common, popular, concise and easy to understand andremember. Thirdly, Brand names are usually attractive in meaning so that whenpeople read them beautiful images would come into their minds ( Wei, 1997 ) .For example, the well - known beverage' brand name ——可口可乐 Ⅱ ( CocaCola) , ——百事可乐 Ⅱ( Pepsi Cola) , ——雪碧Ⅱ( Sprite) ; Cars' brand names——奔驰 Ⅱ ( Benz) , ——皇冠 Ⅱ ( Crown).
  3. The Functions of Brand Names
  Brand Name is used to identify and distinguish a company' s goods fromthose produced by others, so it has the feature of exclusiveness ( Arnold,1979). It belongs to the company s patent. When seeing the brand name,consumers can think of the producer. The goods that bears the same brandname are customarily regtuded as coming from the same company. Identificationis the basic function of brand name ( Chen, 2000). The second function ofbrand name is to guarantee and supervise the quality of products. It is easier foradministrative department and consumers to supervise the quality of the goodsby means of checking the brand names. In order to maintain their own creditstanding, producers would supervise each other through brand names, avoidingcounterfeit products' turrung up. Promoting sales is the third function of brandnames.
  Brand name can give publicity to products' quality, function and reputa-tion. Consumers get used to identifying goods by seeing brand names. The firstimpression of brand name has tempting effect or function. Brand name also hasthe function of legal protection. Usually brand names should be registered intrademark administrative department. Then the concerned company has the pro-prietary of the brand name. Any individual or company usurping the brandname without the permission of the proprietor will be charged with tort. Conclu-sively, using Brand names lawfully can avoid counterfeit products' tuming up,protect corporations' rights, and promote the development of commodity econo-my( Chen, 2002).   4.Principles and strategies on the translation of company names
  The purpose of brand names is to give publicity to commodities, stimulateconsumption and boost the celebrity of the brand of the goods. In order to pro-mote the sales of commodities, the translation of brand names should abide bythe following principles.
  Firstly, since all brand names have the common purpose of advising peopleto buy the goods through the intioduction of them, the translation of brandnames should be adequate in diction for the representation of the commodity'scharacteristics and functions( Tang, 2002). For example, the Germanic auto- Benz Ⅱwas translated as——朋驰Ⅱor ——本茨Ⅱ in Taiwan, although thisversion is homophonic to the original name II Benz 0,it sounds dull and lackof implied meaning. The present version of it in the mainland is ——奔驰Ⅱ,which is not only similar to the original pronunciation, but also suggestive of theheroic flavor of this brand, thus impressing the buyers with the excellent per-formance of such cars. Secondly, brand names translation should imply the useof the product. Whether the translated name can imply the use of the goods hasan influence on the sales of the goods. The word "Tide"(a brand name forwashing powder) literally means - trend 0.However, translators translate“to——汰渍Ⅱ
  creatively according to the use of the product, being consistent to itsadvertising slogan ——汚渍汗渍不留痕迹Ⅱ(using—Tide Ⅱcan ensure thecomplete disappearance of dirt and sweat stain). The translation skillfully im-plies the use of the product, and publicizes it successfully.
  Thirdly, brand names translation should keep the original aesthetic value.A successful translated brand name can put a reader into a splendid artisticrealm to arouse his/her interest( Wang, 2003).When translating brandnames, translators should try their best to ensure the reappearance of the grace-ful artistic image of the original names. The original and the version are re-quired to be not only similar in sound, but also similar in spirit.
  Diamond Ⅱ(a brand name of jewelry) has a Chinese name ——戴夢得Ⅱ.This name istransliterated from - Diamond,and bears the meaning of ——您梦寐以求的珠宝从这儿就可得到Ⅱ( Here you can get the jewelry you have dreamedof.) Fourthly, the translation of brand names should accord with the target con-sumers' cultural habit, including fashion, community psychology, public con-sciousness, moral criterion, religious tradition and so on. Different countriesand areas have great differences in culture. Translators should pay more atten-tion to cultural differences, avoiding misapprehension and antipathy. Manybrand names have certain cultural connotations. People with different culturalbackgrounds have different ideas about the same things because of the differentmoral criteria, religions, beliefs, and modes of thinking. As for the same col-or, plant, animal, maybe some countries prefer, while some not. If we leavethis factor out of consideration, it would produce unexpected negative reaction.Shanghai ——大白兔Ⅱ milk candy is popular in China, but if it is literallytranslated as White Rabbit Ⅱ and sold to Australia, then it would receivenegative reaction.   5.METHODS FOR THE TRANSLATION OF BRAND NAMES
  Transliteration Just as its name implies, transliteration means to find thetranslated name that has the nearest similar pronunciation to that of the originalone in the target language( Huang, 2003). This method is used mostly in thetranslation of the brand names named after the names of people and places, be-cause it is hard to find the denotative counterparts for these names in the targetlanguage, or the seemingly denotative counterpars are farless popular than theoriginal ones. Transliteration method can be divided into three types: Firstly,sound to sound o pattem. In this case the original name is only regarded as thesymbol of sound and shape and has no more deeper mearung, and the translatedname just takes after the pronunciation of the original name and has no deepermeaning either, and usually the simulation of the original pronunciation is toimpress the consumers with exotic flavor so as to arouse their curiosity and inter-est, thus stimulating their purchasing desire. For example, "Christian Dior" istranslated as ——克里斯第安迪奥Ⅱ(brand name for woman toiletry), Mc-Donald's Ⅱ is translated as ——麦当劳Ⅱ(brand name for snack bar).Second-ly, sound to the combination of sound and meaning|l pattem. In this case, thetranslator would choose the words for the kanslated name carefully to make itcreative and attractive. But the pronunciation should have a similar pronuncia-tion to the original one. If you are mindful, you may have noticed the Chineseversion of the shampoo "Top". Top means 顶|j,but if it is translated assuch Chinese consumers will feel strange. Then it is changed to ——脱普Ⅱ,which means transcendence. Tjoy( brand name for face washing lotion) istranslated as ——丁家宜Ⅱ.Johnson (brand name for baby lotion) as强生(healthy life),Tylenole( brand name for a Western medicine) as泰诺(ensu-ring your health) and so on. The above translated brand names have the similar-ity both in pronunciation and meaning to the original ones. Thirdly, meaning tosound o pattern. In this case, the original brand names are words or phraseswith actual meaning, but the translation just imitate the original sound in an ac-ceptable way and discard the original meaning. "Triumph" (women under-wear) and "Sportsman"(sports wear) are hanslated as ——戴安芬Ⅱ and ——斯波兹曼Ⅱ in the market.
  5.2 Meaning - based Translation
  Meaning - based translation means to find the appropriate and naturalcounterpart in the target language for the translation according to the mearung ofthe oriOnal name to deliver the information to the consumers. This method ispreferably used in the translation of brand names named after common words.Take the brands name "Pioneer”(先鋒)as an example. The company uses itto show that it is the forerunner in the field of stereo instruments. And ——先锋Ⅱin Chinese means a military official that leads others in march or fight. Theoriginal and the version have the same meaning, and give readers the same feel-ing. Meaning - based translation is also used when transliteration would bringmisunderstanding.E.g.,If ——芳草Ⅱis transliterated as“Fangcao", it wouldbring antipathy to target readers. because "fang" in English means venomoustooth of a snake and“cao" sounds like“chaos.”,so ——Fragrance Grass Ⅱshould be a better translation for this brand name. Some brand names can betranslated both by transliteration method and free translation method, but we u-sually choose free translation method if it can bring consumers wonderful im-pression。——天使Ⅱ can be translated as “Angel” rather than “Tianshi”, as angel o is a familiar laudatory term in western countries, so do ——凯歌Ⅱ牌( Triumphant) and ——光明Ⅱ牌(Bright).In addition, the translation of manybrand names named after flowers, animals or precious articles usually adoptsfree translation method, for instance, ——葵花Ⅱ(Sunflower), ——百灵Ⅱ( Lark), ——海鸥Ⅱ(Seagull),——熊猫Ⅱ(Panda),—— 凤凰Ⅱ(Phoenix),——钻石Ⅱ( Diamond) and ——小鸭Ⅱ(Little - swan) (Wang, 1997).   5.3
  Combination of Transliteration and Free Translation
  This method is a bit more difficult for translators to master and challengestheir creative ability.hrequires that the pronunciation of the translated nameshould be the same or close to the original one and its meaning can indicate thecharacteristic and function of the product( Dai, 2000). Consumers can havenice association from the pronunciation and meaning of the translated brandname. Combination of transliteration and free translation can display transla-tors' skill most. For example, “Coca - Cola”is translated as ——可口可乐Ⅱ.According to its pronunciation - Coca Ⅱ can be translated to ——口科Ⅱ,——口可Ⅱand so on. While as for beverage, people would attach importance to thefeeling of the taste. So the translator grasped the characteristic of people's psy-chology, and by using free translation method translate it as ——可口Ⅱ whichmeans - very pleasant to people's taste 0.The second part is transliterated as——可乐Ⅱ. The version——可口可乐Ⅱ is very appropriate and natural. It suf-ficiently implies the characteristic and function of the beverage: it sure can giveyou ruce flavor and pleasure. The widely - known sports shoes of - Nike 0brand give the original native consumers the feeling of gracefulness and victory,because - Nike o is the goddess of victory in Greek mythology. While its Chi-nese version ——耐克Ⅱas the result of combination of transliteration and freetranslation not only simulate the original pronunciation but also endue the branda novel commendatory sense which implies that this brand shoes are wear -proof and durable. Other examples of this type are as follows: "KODAK”(柯達)( film),“JSDA”(金时达)(timekeeper),“XEROX”(施乐)(electricappliance),“RICOH(理光)(multi - functional digital camera),“SAM-PO”(新宝)(washing machine),it sounds like SHAMPOO(洗发水)(Xu,2002). There are plenty of such coined trademarks, and more often than notthey can not be found in bilingual dictionaries.
  As the intemational competition is becoming more and more intense,whether a brand name can be accepted by consumers and occupy the intema-tional market decides the fate of a company. We can not deny that advertise-ments play an important part in the sales promotion of the goods. Brand name isan important part of advertisement. It will never be a easy mark to change brandnames from one language to another and keep the original style, charm and con-notation. The translation of brand names is not only a process to find a counter-part in the target language, but also a process of re - creation, because differentcountries and nations have different cultural backgrounds Translators should notonly understand the literal meanings of the original brand names precisely,sometimes they should also get rid of the hidebound conception of mechanical e-quivalence and translate the brand names creatively to attract more consumers.Therefore, the brand name translators should not only gain good command of theknowledge of the two languages and translation techruques, but should also im-prove their cultural awareness such as enterprises' cultural awareness and na-tional cultural awareness, and master the relevant laws to do the work better.   Bibliography:
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书生之勇为知而后勇,而莽夫之勇是出于无知。苏东坡之所以能够“直言当世之故,无所委曲”,就因为这种深知。  至于爱,它是我们深入事物、有所作为的一个基础,苏轼“爱”“知”皆备,所以才敢于冒犯天颜,屡屡将自己置于险境。  這不仅是朝堂上的书生之言、大快之言,即便在现实的操作层面、在实践当中,他也有过一些极出色的表现:面对徐州的滔天洪水,面对密州的猖獗匪患,他都表现出莫大的勇气,毫不畏惧,一次又一次地展
天赋是必需的,哪一个做出一点成绩来的人没有一点天赋呢?  可我很少说天赋,因为谈论天赋是没有意义的,老天给你多少,就在那里了,你能如何?  我更看重后天,这是一个变量,是可以通过努力改变的。  我在年轻的时候特别骄傲,体会到天赋了,很酣。可是,年纪越大,我越不在意这个东西,人是可以改变自己的。  康德说了,人是人的目的。如何面对这个目的?这里头有千差万别。我觉得,一个人最大的幸福是这样的假定:我很
在朋友家喝茶聊天,跟他家小朋友搭讪,问起最近在学什么。孩子说:“数学学分隔符呢,好讨厌。”我赶紧点头,表示理解——别说小学了,直到现在,我都觉得数字分隔符纯粹是个麻烦,除了专业会计,大概没有哪个中国人能用分隔符顺利读出超过8位的数字。  只是没想到,二十几年过去了,这个麻烦还在。  我在小学学到分隔符的时候,老师言之凿凿地说:“它就相当于数字里的逗号,三位一隔,方便认读很大的数字。”当时老师还教了
对读幼儿园的小女儿而言,天下最美味的东西就是巷口老邓卖的馄饨。  不管古今中外有多少名厨与佳肴,她只认定老邓的馄饨是最好吃的东西。  如果她有什么可奖励的事,如果我们偶然想给她一些快乐,一点儿也不难,只要请吃老邓馄饨就皆大欢喜。  有一天,我有点儿不耐烦地对她说:“我看,你如果生在老邓家,是他们的女儿就好了,你可以天天吃馄饨,早上吃馄饨,中午吃馄饨,晚上吃馄饨……”  “谁说的!”她一副小大人的模
20世紀70年代,玩具是稀有的,气球更是难得。到80年代初,物质丰富点儿了,街上开始有了神奇的氢气球。  每年元旦前,就有人拖着气罐出来,在街边灌气球。小孩子们会围着他,看他手上的气球慢慢膨胀起来,最后拴上绳子,就会飘在空中。  那几年元旦,父母都会给我买一只红色的氢气球,我牵着绳子,带着我的红气球,四处招摇。但总会在某一个瞬间,一不留神,气球就飞走了。  但氢气球只在新年有的卖,飞走了只能等到第
祖母走的时候八十四岁,她是油尽灯枯,无疾而终。  她这一走,我内心的娘家就没了,通往故乡的路也就此荒芜。  这么多年来,每一次梦回童年,场景都是祖母的老屋,我都在和她说话。她是我童年的归宿,也是内心的家园。  父亲的爱,如同一束光,带着殷殷的期待,在那樣的光芒里,我只能是一个所向披靡的战士,永远坚强,永远独立。  比起这种让人不敢懈怠、不敢喘气的光芒,我更喜欢黑暗。模糊、温暖、安全感满满的黑暗,土
一天黄昏,我走到街头一家铁匠铺门首站着。看见那黑漆漆的茅店中,一堆火光耀耀,映着一个在工作的铁匠,红光射在他半边的臂上、身上、面上,映衬着后面的一片黑暗,对比强烈。  那铁匠举着他极健全丰满的腕臂,取了一个极适当和谐的姿势,击着那透红的铁块,火光四射,我看着心里就想道:这岂不是一幅极好的荷兰画家的画稿?  我心里充满艺术的思想,站着看着,不忍走了。心中又漸渐地转想到人生问题,心想人生最健全、最真实
现在的校园里,学生在老师面前身后常常表现不一。当他们以表演的姿态出现在教育者面前时,我们就很难了解真实的学生,也就很难找到教育的起点。当然,教育效益也就无从谈起。  出现这一问题的原因很复杂,但根本的原因是校园里的过度管理。  过度管理的突出特征就是不允许学生出问题、犯错误。这样的管理追求,与成长期孩子教育的本质形成对立。学生为什么来学校?世界上大部分国家为什么都把基础教育锁定在18岁左右结束?根
小颖在四川省乐山市峨边彝族自治县筛查现场  暑假来临,“《读者》光明行动”弱视儿童义诊筛查行动也暂时告一段落,项目组利用这段不会耽误孩子们学业的宝贵时间,对前期筛查出的贫困弱视患儿展开救助治疗。  小颖是项目医疗队在2021年5月四川省乐山市峨边彝族自治县筛查中遇到的孩子。小颖是彝族人,家里有5口人,父母都是农民,父亲的腰椎病需要做手术,母亲独自照看农田、照顾3个孩子。鲜艳的红领巾、笔直的小身板、