2016年8月份,全国港口生产形势较7月份有所好转,主要指标均有不同程度回升。一、货物吞吐量增速由负转正据8月份快报统计,全国规模以上港口完成货物吞吐量100 025万t,增速由7月份下降0.2%转为增长1.6%,其中:沿海港口完成68 356万t,增长2.0%;内河港口完成31 669万t,下降0.7%。1—8月份,规模以上港口完成货物吞吐量778 994万t,同比增长1.9%,增速较去年同期放
In August 2016, the situation of port production in the whole country improved compared with that in July, and the main indexes all rebounded to different extents. First, the cargo throughput growth from negative to positive According to the August Express report statistics, the port above the size of the completion of the cargo throughput of 10,025 tons, the growth rate dropped 0.2% in July to an increase of 1.6%, of which: the coastal port to complete 68 356 10,000 tons, an increase of 2.0%; inland ports completed 316,690,000 tons, down 0.7%. From January to August, the throughput of ports above the designated size reached 7,778.994 million tons, up 1.9% over the same period of last year. The growth rate was higher than the same period of last year