攻丝是用丝锥加工内螺纹孔的钳工操作。套丝是用板牙在圆柱形表面上加工加工螺纹的钳工操作。 一、攻丝 1.丝锥和铰杠。丝锥是在孔上加工内螺纹的刀具,它由工作部分和柄部组成(如图1)。工作部分包括切削部分和校准部分。
Tapping is the use of tapped female thread hole fitter operation. Threading is the use of die on the cylindrical surface of the processing of thread fitter operation. First, tapping 1. Tap and hinge bar. Tap is the hole in the processing of internal thread tool, which consists of the working part and the handle (Figure 1). The working part includes the cutting part and the calibration part.