A four-party scheme is put forward for a sender to partition arbitrary single-qubit information amongthree receivers by utilizing a class of asymmetric four-qubit W state as quantum channels.In the scheme the sender’squantum information can be recovered by the three receivers if and only if they collaborate together.Specifically,theycollaborate to perform first two different 2-qubit collective unitary operations and then a singie-qubit unitary operation.The scheme is symmetric and(3,3)-threshold with regard to the reconstruction,for any receiver can be assigned toconclusively recover the quantum information with the other two’s assistances.
A four-party scheme is put forward for a sender to partition arbitrary single-qubit information amongthree receivers by utilizing a class of asymmetric four-qubit W state as quantum channels. The scheme the sender’s information can be recovered by the three receivers if and only if they collaborate together. Specifically, they are made to perform first two different 2-qubit collective unitary operations and then a singie-qubit unitary operation. The scheme is symmetric and (3,3) -threshold with regard to the reconstruction, for any receiver can be assigned toconclusively recover the quantum information with the other two’s assistances.