患者女,20岁。因持续发热3天入院,体温持续在39.5℃—40℃,WBC 6.4×109/L(N38%,L62%),肥达氏反应“H”、“O”均为1: 160(+),血培养伤寒杆菌生长,对喹诺酮类、头孢唑啉、丁胺卡那霉素敏感。2天后开始口服依诺沙星0.4g(武汉制药厂,批号9211102),tid,次日觉恶心、食欲不振。第3天诉阵发性头部隐痛,伴有头晕、夜间失眠,第4天用依诺沙星总量达4.8g时呈现剧烈头痛,以额、顶部为著,持续胀痛难以忍受,患者烦躁不安、哭
Female patient, 20 years old. The body temperature was maintained at 39.5 ℃ -40 ℃, WBC 6.4 × 109 / L (N38%, L62%) and Widal reaction “H” and “O” were all 1: 160 Blood culture Salmonella typhimurium growth, quinolones, cefazolin, amikacin sensitive. 2 days after oral administration of enoxacin 0.4g (Wuhan Pharmaceutical Factory, batch number 9211102), tid, the next day feel nausea, loss of appetite. On the third day v. Paroxysmal head pain, accompanied by dizziness, night insomnia, the first 4 days with enoxacine total amount of 4.8g showed severe headache, the amount of the top of the continuous pain sustained, the patient Irritability, crying