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敬阅医师进修杂志1990年第9期第20页刊邢念平等医师的“肝素、低分子右旋糖配治疗肺心病并心衰20例疗效观察”一文后,收益不少。文章的20例肺心病患者均有明显的右心衰竭的症状及体征,并伴有不同程度的呼吸衰竭。其中心衰Ⅲ度16例,心衰Ⅱ度4例。可说这组病例是一组危重症的肺心病.对于这些重病人采用小剂量肝素加低分子右旋糖酐进行抗粘、疏通微循环治疗,总有效率达90%,这样给临床医师开阔了眼界,对重症肺心病人在综合治疗效果不理想时加 Read the physician’s training magazine in 1990 ninth issue of the first twenty-ninth pages of Xing Nian Ping physician, “Heparin, low molecular weight dextrose with pulmonary heart disease and heart failure in 20 cases observed” article, a lot of income. Article 20 cases of patients with pulmonary heart disease have obvious symptoms and signs of right heart failure, accompanied by varying degrees of respiratory failure. The central decay Ⅲ degree in 16 cases, heart failure Ⅱ degree in 4 cases. Can be said that this group of patients is a group of critically ill patients with pulmonary heart disease.For these seriously ill patients with low-dose heparin and low molecular weight dextran anti-sticky, dredge microcirculation, the total effective rate of 90%, so to clinicians broaden their horizons, Severe pulmonary heart disease in patients with integrated treatment is not ideal when added
通过对煤炭经济实现可持续发展必然性的探讨,揭示了我国当下煤炭经济发展中出现的棘手问题,在此基础上深度探讨如何才能更好地实现我国煤炭经济的可持续发展。 By discussin
临床资料:196例患者中,男127例、女69例;年龄最大83岁、最小13岁,50岁以上占2/3;监护时间最长12d、最短1h。其中窦缓,窦性心律不齐、窦性停搏15例;短阵 Clinical data: 196
一例61岁男性患者,~(201)Tl SPECT表现为心肌缺血,疑及动脉硬化性疾病,手术证实为缩窄性心包炎.患者呼吸困难,体重增加迅速.心率、心音正常.胸透未见心脏扩大和充血.心电图
观察35例急性白血病患儿高凝指标变化,急淋32例,急非淋3例,选用PT,KPTT,AT-Ⅲ,ⅧR:Ag,Ⅷ:C,ⅧR:Ag/Ⅷ:C,FN 等7项凝血指标,异常率(%)分别为:PT14.3,KPTT28.6,FN73.5,AT-Ⅲ83.
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